New York Functional Neurology Associates is a team of physicians, healthcare providers and practitioners dedicated to correcting the underlying cause of our patient’s individual health needs and challenges. We utilize an integrative approach including Functional Neurology, Quantum Physics, Neuroscience, Upper Cervical Chiropractic, cutting edge Nutrition, Wim Hoff protocols of cold immersion and breathing, Dr. Joe Dispenza’s formulas for Meditation, Bio-Hacking techniques in Exercise Physiology and Lifestyle changes to empower our patients with the tools necessary to take an active role in their healing and recovery.


Dr. Bradley Rauch, a remarkable and pioneering figure in the world of vitalistic chiropractic care, emerges as a guiding light for holistic healing and personal development. With a profound understanding of quantum physics, neuroscience, meditation practices, and the interconnectedness of mind and body, Dr. Rauch has left an indelible mark on the field.

From an early age, Dr. Rauch was captivated by the intricate workings of the human body and its potential for self-healing. His insatiable curiosity led him down a path of exploration, where he delved deep into the realms of quantum physics and its implications for health and wellness. Drawing upon quantum principles, he began to understand how the mind, energy, and consciousness intertwine to shape our well-being.

Armed with this knowledge, Dr. Rauch embarked on a mission to bridge the gap between science and spirituality, combining the principles of chiropractic care with the latest advancements in neuroscience. Through his groundbreaking research and innovative methodologies, he demonstrated that the body possesses an innate intelligence capable of restoring balance and vitality when properly aligned.

Dr. Rauch’s dedication to holistic healing extended beyond his clinical practice. Recognizing the transformative power of meditation practices, he introduced mindfulness techniques to his patients, guiding them on a journey of self-discovery and inner healing. By integrating meditation into his treatment plans, he empowered individuals to tap into their inner resilience and harness the full potential of their minds and bodies.

As Dr. Rauch’s reputation grew, so did his impact on the field of vitalistic chiropractic care. He became a sought-after speaker, captivating audiences with his ability to articulate complex scientific concepts in a relatable and accessible manner. Through his engaging presentations and workshops, he inspired countless healthcare professionals to embrace a more holistic approach, centered on the mind-body connection.

Beyond his professional endeavors, Dr. Rauch recognized the importance of personal development in achieving optimal health. He became an advocate for self-care practices, encouraging individuals to cultivate a positive mindset, engage in regular physical activity, and nurture their emotional well-being. Driven by his belief in the transformative power of personal growth, he founded wellness retreats and authored books that resonated with readers worldwide.

Today, Dr. Bradley Rauch stands as a visionary in the field of vitalistic chiropractic care, leaving an enduring legacy of holistic healing, quantum understanding, neuroscience integration, meditation practices, and personal development. His tireless dedication has transformed countless lives, empowering individuals to unlock their innate healing potential and embrace a truly holistic approach to wellness.


Claudia Ruiz, a seasoned industrial engineer with over 25 years of experience, possesses a unique blend of scientific expertise and holistic business acumen. Her extensive background in consulting, coaching, marketing, and sales has propelled her to accomplish remarkable personal and business milestones, often collaborating with esteemed individuals like Dr. Joe Dispenza.

With an unwavering commitment to empowering individuals and organizations, Mrs. Ruiz continually educates and enlightens audiences on the fundamental principles of personal and business development. As a certified NCS consultant, marketing consultant, and business development analyst, she combines scientific methodologies with strategic insights to provide comprehensive solutions.

One of Mrs. Ruiz’s notable professional skills lies in brain mapping and neurological feedback, a cutting-edge field that leverages advanced technology to understand and optimize brain function. Through her expertise, she helps individuals and businesses unlock their full potential by harnessing the power of the mind.

Additionally, Mrs. Ruiz is a certified HeartMath NCS consultant, enabling her to incorporate the principles of heart coherence and emotional intelligence into her holistic approach. By integrating scientific research with intuitive insights, she fosters effective communication and cultivates a harmonious work environment.

Mrs. Ruiz’s ability to navigate the intersection of science, business, and personal growth sets her apart as a competent and multifaceted professional. Her credentials and certifications validate her expertise, while her dedication to continuous learning and development ensures she remains at the forefront of her field.

Through her holistic approach to personal and business development, Claudia Ruiz empowers individuals and organizations to thrive in an ever-evolving landscape, unleashing their true potential for success and growth.


Dr. Sukhi Muker, an accomplished and globally recognized doctor, esteemed speaker, ultra-marathoner, and Ironman competitor, epitomizes the power of overcoming adversity. Facing the darkest moments of his life, he found himself entrenched in a world of violence, drugs, and crime. However, Dr. Sukhi rose above the pain and transformed himself into his greatest version.

Driven by a relentless pursuit of personal growth and a desire to lead a better life, Dr. Sukhi harnessed the wisdom of quantum physics and ancient teachings, integrating them with his formal education in neuroscience and biology. This unique combination of knowledge and experiences became the foundation for his groundbreaking curriculum, designed to empower individuals to achieve holistic well-being and unlock their fullest potential.

As an award-winning doctor, Dr. Sukhi has earned accolades for his exceptional contributions to the field of medicine and his dedication to patient care. His deep understanding of neuroscience and biology enables him to approach health and wellness from a scientific perspective, ensuring his methodologies are evidence-based and effective.

In addition to his medical expertise, Dr. Sukhi’s remarkable physical accomplishments as an ultra-marathoner and Ironman competitor demonstrate his unwavering commitment to pushing boundaries and surpassing limitations. Through his own personal journey of transformation, he has become an inspiring role model, showcasing the immense power of the human spirit.

With his holistic scientific approach, Dr. Sukhi Muker guides individuals on a transformative path to optimal well-being. His curriculum blends the principles of quantum physics, ancient wisdom, neuroscience, and biology, providing a comprehensive framework for personal growth and empowerment. By embracing this unique blend of knowledge, individuals can tap into their inner potential, achieve extraordinary results, and lead fulfilling lives.

Dr. Sukhi Muker’s profound impact as a doctor, speaker, athlete, and visionary underscores his unwavering dedication to empowering others and helping them rise above adversity. Through his expertise, he guides individuals to transcend their circumstances, unlock their true potential, and create a life of health, happiness, and success.


With advanced training in many areas of functional neurology and natural healing, stress reduction, and functional medicine, Dr. Goodman was also adjunct faculty at University of Miami Medical School for 22 years in the Department of Complementary Medicine.

Besides co-authoring a text “Fridays with Goodman” he continues to coach and train and heal people from all walks of life from health challenges to life stresses and career burnout.

His personal mission is to work with individuals as a courage catalyst to unleash their inner champion and live their GOODEST LIFE.


MS-Clinical Nutrition

CA-Certified Acupuncturist

Level II Certification NET

Trained Demartini Method Facilitator

NLP Trained


Dr. Ronald C Sinagra specializes in Functional Health Restoration with over 36 years of experience in the field of Wellness and Nutrition. Dr. Sinagra and his team focus on health restoration through diet, nutrition, supplementation, structural care, and metabolic repair. Dr. Sinagara works with allergy, autoimmune, and inflammatory patients with the goal to restore proper physiology so patients can heal and regain lost quality of life.

Dr. Sudhir Gadh

Dr. Sudhir Gadh, MD is a physician/scientist/ (Board Certified Psychiatrist) with a private practice in Manhattan. Dr. Gadh is also a Commander in the US Navy Reserve, the Medical Director for the Center for Recovery, and the founder of Third Element Water, a performance enhancing supplement containing essential nutrients and nutritional lithium.

Dr. Gadh is one of the most knowledgeable experts on low dose lithium to optimize mental and physical functioning. He has published on the above in peer reviewed journals on addiction and lithium to enhance COVID recovery. Dr. Gadh has spoken in wellness and academic circles, most recently at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden.

His comprehensive approach encourages patients to accept their innate value but demand and achieve improvement nonetheless. He supports healthy behavioral enhancements in occupation, love, diet, intoxicants, exercise, and sleep. Or OLDIES.

“The mission is connection. Sacred and secular, prevention and treatment, logic and emotion. All towards the symbiotic. That is the way.”


Dr. Michel Wild, a highly skilled chiropractic physician specializing in wellness, is driven by a dual passion for continuous learning and educating others about the profound benefits of a holistic approach to living. With an unwavering commitment to improving people’s well-being, Dr. Wild has positively impacted the lives of thousands of individuals.

At the core of Dr. Wild’s expertise lies his in-depth knowledge of chiropractic neurology. By focusing on the intricate relationship between the nervous system and overall health, he empowers his patients to achieve optimal well-being without the need for pharmaceutical interventions or invasive procedures. Dr. Wild’s holistic approach ensures that he addresses the root causes of health concerns, rather than merely alleviating symptoms.

Dr. Wild not only imparts knowledge but also leads by example. By consistently implementing the principles he teaches in his own life, he serves as a living testament to the transformative power of his wellness-based approach. Furthermore, he remains at the forefront of the health and wellness field, continuously seeking out the latest research and advancements to provide cutting-edge solutions to his patients.

As a wellness-based chiropractic physician, Dr. Michel Wild places great emphasis on the intricate interplay between the body, mind, and nervous system. By optimizing the flow of life energy through the nervous system, he enables individuals to experience heightened vitality and well-being. Dr. Wild’s dedication to ongoing education and staying abreast of the latest developments in health and wellness reaffirms his commitment to providing his patients with the most effective and scientifically grounded care.

Through his comprehensive understanding of chiropractic neurology and his steadfast commitment to holistic wellness, Dr. Michel Wild empowers individuals to embrace a life of vibrant health and vitality. His unwavering dedication to continuous learning, coupled with his practical implementation of wellness principles, positions him as a trusted practitioner at the forefront of the field.


Rich Conte specializes in internal body cleansing and detoxification enabling his clients to live at a higher level of health and vibrancy. He accomplishes this by introducing certain foods, juices and lifestyle choices at a pace and in an order that allows people’s systems to successfully assimilate these dietary and lifestyle changes indefinitely.

Rich has a background in engineering, biology, nutrition, detoxification and self empowerment. He has gained invaluable clinical experience counseling New York City Firefighters who had failed their yearly medical exams and as a result were removed from full duty status. Through trial and error with these firefighters, Rich was able to modify his program until he gained the results that allowed these firefighters to return to full duty. As a result, he feels he is called to share this knowledge and help as many people as he can regain and reach a higher level of health.

Rich truly believes that the combined efforts of this team and all the expertise everyone on the team brings, can dramatically change peoples lives for the better, and by doing so, change the world for the better. Rich is humbled and honored to be part of this team.


Tim Bettencourt is a certified Wim Hof Method instructor. He is also a certified Oxygen Advantage instructor.

Tim is the founder and owner of Vigor Outdoors, a holistic mental and physical training program in nature. He is a certified Functional Strength Coach and takes pride in helping his clients achieve optimal physical and mental health.

Tim lives in Stowe, Vermont with his wife and two children.

Jeannetta Cherie

Jeannetta Cherie, a seasoned Wellness Coach, focuses on holistic well-being through emotional intelligence, leadership, and meditation, enriched by her background in nutrition and bodywork.

Her holistic approach encourages vibrant health, integrating mind, body, and spirit.

A graduate of Myotherapy College of Utah in 1994, she excels in various bodywork techniques, including Fascia Bodywork for mobility and pain relief. Jeannetta's commitment to learning has also led her to teach at two massage therapy schools, inspiring future therapists.

She actively shares her expertise in community settings, covering topics from communication to natural remedies, underlining her dedication to fostering human potential and holistic health.





  • Monday Tuesday Thursday

  • 1020 Park Avenue, New York,

    NY 10028

  • (929) 505-6307